There are many plans in the market now and new ones are created every day. We try to stay informed but sometimes it is very difficult to say upfront which could be accepted and which could not. Please have your insurance card handy and be ready to send it via e-mail to email here or fax to (718) 648-4647.
We will investigate the availability of benefits and will let you know.
If you are a current patient and you want to stay with us but need to change your health insurance coverage – please let us know IN ADVANCE – so that we can help you to make an informed choice. In any case, you have to notify us about ANY changes in your Health Insurance coverage BEFORE the care is provided. Otherwise, you may be personally liable for the fees incurred.
We DO NOT participate in the following insurance plans:
PLEASE NOTE – You don’t need to have insurance or become a patient to participate in our Wellness, Rejuvenation “Life Without Pain” and most Anti-Aging programs.
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